

英漢字典: feed back

1. return as feedback反饋

    Teachers should attach importance to what is feeding back from the students. 教師們應該對從學生處反饋來的信息給予重視。

    The teacher found that nothing was feeding back to him from his students. 這位教師發覺學生們對他的講解毫無反應。

    The computer feeds back everything you need to know. 計算機反饋你所需要了解的一切事情。

2. affect or modify the process that brought it about影響或修改原過程,反過來對原過程起促進作用

    A lot of ideas are feeding back from the applied science into the pure science. 應用科學的許多概念反過來對理論科學起著促進作用。

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